mass housing


initial living unit
mass housing @ Ahmedabad
massing experiments

Patel Mill Compound, Raipur.
Design Elements: Hierarchy of Gathering Space, Axis, Generation of Chance Encounter
A design that started by the derivation of basic residential unit for two based on preconceived notions of a living space. Later passed on through a sieve by modifying with anthropometric conditions and service regulations.

conceptual process models

Addition of activities to the individual unit along with the exercise of 'linking and stacking' for creation of a basic massing model for housing likes built form.
'linking' - creation of shared spaces and terraces to arrive at a sense of community according to the site studies.
Addition of services according to technical and structural requirements and reforming the design by parallelly developing the individual units .
The conclusion of this exercise marked the start of the original design exercise - including demarcation individual site by the usage of Charles Correa's principles for mass housing.

transverse section
creation of street
The final design focuses on the creation of smaller semi-public spaces which spill into the primary street, here starts the segregation of vehicular vs pedestrian.
longitudinal section

ground floor plan